As families look to start packing the car ahead of the festive holiday period a new advisory council for the Bruce Highway will be forming with Member for Burdekin Dale Last welcoming the news for regional road users.
Mr Last said the Crisafulli Government’s announcement of the re-establishment of a Bruce Highway Advisory Council would bring together key stakeholders and representatives from across all regions to deliver desperately needed upgrades to the Bruce Highway.
“For years we have seen Labor, including the Prime Minister turn a blind eye while our road toll climbs and our communities are left reeling,” Mr Last said.
“While it is a great time to be heading off on a holiday over the festive season there is no denying that as families are packing the car they are also left to consider what they need to do if they are left stranded due to flooding.”
“Bringing together representatives from all regions that intersect with the Bruce Highway is about ensuring projects that will address safety and flooding on our major highway are considered appropriately.”
Mr Last said expressions of interest were currently open for regional representatives with the first meeting scheduled for next month.
“The importance of the Bruce Highway cannot be understated and that is why the Minister is focussing on delivering a long-term upgrade plan to not only address issues we face now but ensure this national highway is able to continue to service our state into the future,” Mr Last said.
“We also know that without funding glossy documents and action plans won’t save lives on our roads and that’s why the Crisafulli Government are advocating for the return of the long standing 80:20 arrangement for the national highway.”