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  • Dale Last

Last confident in community's Christmas spirit

As more and more families fall victim to the cost of living crisis, Member for Burdekin, Dale Last MP, believes his annual Christmas Appeal may actually see an increase in donations.

Mr Last said media attention to the cost of living crisis meant more people were more aware of the issue which may inspire more generosity, an outcome that would be widely welcomed.

“The appeal has run every year since 2015 and has had a huge impact on literally hundreds of families,” Mr Last said.  “For some it’s about being able to put food on the table or a Christmas gift for a young child but, for all of them, it shows they aren’t alone and that their community cares.”

“One recipient told of how she would be alone for Christmas and that, due to finances, Christmas day would be ‘nothing special’.  In the hamper she received was a small Christmas pudding that, she said, made it ‘a real Christmas’ for the first time in many years.”

“When I hear of things like that it reminds me how important the appeal really is.”

Mr Last said donations of any kind were welcomed and would be put to good use.

“The Salvation Army have been a key partner in the appeal since it started back in 2015,” he said.  “That allows us to put together hampers for people based on what they need and that ensures we provide the right help, and it also means that nothing is wasted.”

“We have local groups who support the appeal regularly and individuals who make their contributions in a variety of ways.  From hand-made toys to staples for the kitchen cupboard, every single donation makes a real difference.”

“There are a range of factors that have affected all of us financially during 2023 but I know this community will do it’s best to help.  Every donation, big or small, makes a huge difference.”

“Even if people are not in a position to be able to donate they can still help people in need.  Sharing a smile, a few kind words or donating some time at a charity really does help and, after all, that’s the true spirit of Christmas.”

Donations, including non-perishable food, can be made until December 15th at Mr Last’s office in the Centrepoint Arcade.


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