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Dale Last

A new deadline has been set for the delivery of improved facilities for students studying agriculture and horticulture at Home Hill State High School.

Member for Burdekin, Dale Last MP, slammed the Labor state government late last year over the project that, he says, is 3 years behind schedule.

“Just days before the government reshuffle we had confirmation that a tender for the construction of the facility had been awarded,” Mr Last said.  “The latest advice is that the project will be completed late this year and that’s a commitment that needs to be honoured.”

“The students and teachers at Home Hill High are doing their best but are being held back due to poor planning at a higher level.  We have been offered a shopping list of excuses but, frankly, the delays are due to poor planning from the start.”

“The only positive to come from these delays is the fact that now, according to the advice I have received, further consultation was undertaken with relevant industries.”

Mr Last said he shared the frustrations felt by students, parents and industry with regards to the project.

“The Burdekin and surrounding areas are the heart and soul of these industries,” he said.  “The fact we have needed to fight for years to have these facilities built is indicative of the current government’s disconnect from regional communities and key industries.”

“In financial terms this is not a huge project but from the point of view of supporting local students and key industries, it is invaluable.  This facility means that students learn hands-on and graduate with skills that can be put to use to help grow the industries we rely on.”

“If you look at it from a wider perspective it also has an effect on our food security and even national security.  From a local point of view, however, it’s about honouring a promise to our kids and allowing them to secure their future and the district’s future.”


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