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Dale Last

A new CT scanner, addressing housing and cutting power prices are among the priorities Member for Burdekin Dale Last will be looking for in the upcoming final state budget before October’s state election.

This week marks just under eight weeks before the 2024/2025 state budget is handed down and with plenty of opportunities and investment needed right across the electorate, Mr Last said it was only fair this electorate received its share of the funding pie.

“The diversity of the Burdekin Electorate means that a great deal of the state’s economy is generated right here from our agriculture and horticulture industries in the east to our mining and resources sector in the western areas,” Mr Last said. “Given that, it’s only fair that we receive investment back into our communities.”

“Right here in the Burdekin Shire we have a severe shortage of housing available, our farmers and residents are facing soaring power costs and each week our ambulance is tied up transporting up to 15 patients to Townsville for after-hours CT scans.”

“These issues fall squarely in the hands of the state government and, if not addressed, have the potential to impact our local economy and potentially put lives at risk.”

Mr Last said the Burdekin had already been proactive in advocating to address issues its residents faced and deserved to see real investment rather than political footballing in October’s state election.

“More than six months ago this community put pen to paper to call for a CT scanner at their local hospital and to my understanding that business case has been completed so all that is left now is for the project to be funded.”

“Recently we have seen our farmers and residents cop soaring price rises when it comes to electricity and while we constantly hear of rebates on offer, the reality is that we then watch those rebates be absorbed in the next price rise.”

“Rest assured that come June all eyes will be on the state budget and as the Member for Burdekin I won’t be settling for less than what our community deserves.”


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