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Dale Last

The Bowen community's long-awaited dream of ensuring the future of the Bowen Jetty has only come true following a prolonged bout of advocacy by Member for Burdekin Dale Last MP.

Mr Last said he was proud to have worked with Bowen’s community leaders on behalf of the community and condemned the Labor state government's delays.

“For several years the Labor state government has made promises about the future of the jetty but, frankly, had failed to deliver," Mr Last said.  "We dragged the government, kicking and screaming, to the bank and secured the funds with literally hours to spare."

"This is a project that has featured in two successive budgets but, despite all the hype, the government hadn't delivered the funding they promised.  I used my last Question on Notice in the current parliament to ask where the money was because I am sure the government's intent was to let the project fall by the wayside."

Mr Last said that once the project featured in the budget the community should have had certainty but that, sadly, that wasn't the case.

"I have made it very clear that the LNP would not stand in the way of the government's budget commitment to this project," Mr Last said.  

"That commitment was made based on feedback from the community."

“Across recent years we have welcomed the Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads to hear from community leaders about their wishes for the Bowen foreshore precinct and as the Member for Burdekin I have consistently fought to ensure this community receives the money it was promised for works to commence on the jetty.” 

“Now that the government has finally honoured their promise, North Queensland Bulk Ports has the certainty to move forward.  The plans for the jetty will not only honour the 150-year history of the jetty but ensure it is more accessible than ever for visitors and locals in the Bowen area.”

"If the Labor government was as serious as they claimed about delivering for Bowen, the money would have been paid quite a while ago and we would potentially be closer to seeing physical works commence. The fact is Labor was all set to cast Bowen adrift."

“I look forward to working with the NQBP and the Bowen community to see this project delivered for future generations of the Bowen community and visitors to the area to enjoy.” 


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